- Oslo Cancer Cluster - https://oslocancercluster.no -

“The Value of the Health Industry 2022” is here

There is a Norwegian version of this text further down.

The health industry is – and has always been – a part of the solution to many of the challenges in the healthcare sector. The industry contributes to preventing, diagnosing, and treating disease, as well as rehabilitating people. This increases the population’s quality of life, while reducing the burden on the health service, lowering sick leave, and increasing work life participation.

The Menon Economics report “The Value of the Health Industry 2022” was released on Friday 10 June 2022. The report is an annual publication, which was first published in 2016, when several key actors decided to join forces and create a report that describes the entire Norwegian health industry in numbers.

This year’s report is the seventh in line and based on three central contributions from the health industry to Norwegian economy:

  1. the value creation by the health industry, which contributes to increased BNP and to create jobs,
  2. the importance of the health industry to maintain an efficient public healthcare service,
  3. the importance of the health industry for public health, which reduces the burden of sickness, increases employment, and reduces health costs.

“New technologies and innovative treatments are transforming the cancer field and can create significant value for Norway as we transition to a sustainable economy. We need stronger collaboration between the public and private sector to realise the full potential of the health industry. This can reduce the burden on the healthcare service and make it both better and more efficient. This can also create new jobs and attract international investments to Norway. Above all, this can give cancer patients better health, longer lives and higher work life participation.“
Ketil Widerberg, general manager, Oslo Cancer Cluster


These are the most important findings in the report:

1. The value creation by the health industry

2. The importance of the health industry for the public healthcare service

3. The importance of the health industry for public health


Read previous reports here (in Norwegian)


The consortium partners: Aleap, The Norwegian Directorate for e-health, Inven2, LO Norway, Melanor, Norway Health Tech, Norwegian Smart Care Cluster, Oslo Cancer Cluster, SIVA, The Life Science Cluster, The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprize (NHO) and NHO Geneo.




Read the press release in Norwegian below:

Dette er de viktigste funnene i «Helsenæringens verdi 2022»

Helsenæringen er – og har alltid vært – en del av løsningen på mange av våre helse- og omsorgsutfordringer. Næringen bidrar til å forebygge, diagnostisere, behandle og rehabilitere mennesker, noe som øker befolkningens livskvalitet, samt bidrar til å redusere belastningen på helsevesenet, redusere sykefraværet og til økt deltakelse i arbeidslivet.

Fredag 10. juni offentliggjøres Menon Economics-rapporten «Helsenæringens verdi 2022». Rapporten er en årlig utgivelse, som for første gang ble publisert i 2016 da de toneangivende aktørene innen helsenæringen i Norge for første gang gikk sammen om å utarbeide en rapport hvor målet var å beskrive hele den norske helsenæringen i tall.

Årets rapport, som er den sjette i rekken, tar utgangspunkt i tre sentrale bidrag fra helsenæringen til norsk økonomi: Helsenæringens verdiskaping – bidrag til BNP og arbeidsplasser, helsenæringens betydning for en effektiv offentlig helsetjeneste og helsenæringens betydning for folkehelsen – redusert sykdomsbyrde, økt sysselsetting og reduserte helsetjenestekostnader.


Her er hovedfunnene:

1. Helsenæringens verdiskaping

2. Helsenæringens betydning for den offentlige helsetjenesten

3. Helsenæringens betydning for folkehelsen

Les hele rapporten her.

Deltakerne i konsortiet er: Aleap, Direktoratet for e-helse, Inven2, Landsorganisasjonen i Norge (LO), Melanor, Norway Health Tech, Norwegian Smart Care Cluster, Oslo Cancer Cluster, SIVA, The Life Science Cluster, Næringslivets Hovedorganisasjon (NHO) og NHO Geneo.