Webinar: New possibilities for personalised breast cancer prevention

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Welcome to a webinar on new possibilities for personalised breast cancer prevention

We are happy to invite you to an online webinar discussing the latest possibilities for personalised breast cancer prevention. This webinar is intended for all healthcare professionals, including family physicians, geneticists, radiologists, gynaecologists, oncologists, medical nurses and everybody else, who is interested in breast cancer prevention.

The Problem:

Current breast cancer screening in Norway saves lives but is aimed only for women at age 50-69. Many breast cancer cases occur among younger women who never reach screening.

The Solution:

The modern solution is to implement earlier and more frequent screening and other possible preventive measures for women at increased risk of breast cancer. But what are the modern options for breast cancer risk assessment and how can they be applied in real life in Norwegian health care?

This webinar discusses new possibilities for precision prevention of breast cancer based on the methods and solutions researched, developed, and tested in the AnteNOR project.


Date and time: 30.05.2024 at 15:00-16:15

Location: online through Zoom (with registration)

Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkceGprTwpGt0EEUsp_7SkxhCxp_Jo8yij#/registration



  • Eli Marie Grindedal, PhD (Geneticist, Oslo University Hospital): Current breast cancer intensified screening and prevention in Norway based on cancer family history and high-risk genetic variants testing.
  • Peeter Padrik, MD, PhD (Oncologist, Antegenes & Tartu University Hospital, Estonia): Integration of new genetic information into breast cancer risk estimation – implementation of polygenic risk score tests.
  • Tone Hovda, MD, PhD (Radiologist, Vestre Viken Hospital Trust): Real-life experience of the combined genetics-based opportunistic screening in the breast clinic – results from the AnteNOR project clinical arm.
  • Kari Kollstad, MSc, MPhil (Health Economist, OECONA): Does genetics-based breast cancer screening have clinical utility and suitable cost-effectiveness in Norway?
  • Discussion


The AnteNOR partners Vestre Viken Hospital Trust, Oslo University, Oslo University Hospital, health-tech company Antegenes, and Oslo Cancer Cluster participated in the project. You can find more coverage of the implementation of the project on Oslo Cancer Cluster website.

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