Fremtidens kreftbehandling

Fremtidens kreftbehandling is a meeting series that raises questions about cancer treatments on the political agenda.

The seminar series Fremtidens kreftbehandling (The Future of Cancer Treatment in English) was established as a public meeting place to raise awareness about cancer treatments in 2015. The meetings focus on new possibilities in cancer treatments and how Norway can be better equipped to keep up with the rapid developments in precision medicine.

The meetings gather researchers, clinicians, patients, industry representatives, health officials and politicians to discuss challenges and solutions in the Norwegian healthcare system. The meetings occur bi-annually, usually once in Oslo in February and once during the political festival Arendalsuka in August.

Oslo Cancer Cluster is the project coordinator for the meeting series Fremtidens kreftbehandling, along with Legemiddelindustrien – LMI, Kreftforeningen, MSD, Janssen and AstraZeneca as organising partners.


Recordings of our most recent meetings and clips from interviews with the participants can be viewed in the playlist below.

News articles

Har partiene en kreftpolitikk?

During the breakfast seminar The Future of Cancer Politics four politicians discussed possible health- and cancer policies in their coming party programmes. The seminar was held in Norwegian.
Man on podium talking with sticker saying "cluster collaborations"

The Future of Cancer Treatment

For six years we have hosted The Future of Cancer Treatment (Fremtidens kreftbehandling) with the same partners. What is this seminar series all about?
Debate from Arendalsuka

Together for precision medicine

During Arendalsuka 2019, we arranged a breakfast meeting on the development of cancer treatments of the future, together with LMI and Kreftforeningen.

Organising partners

Contact info

Wenche Gerhardsen

Head of Communications, Oslo Cancer Cluster