Image of Kaare Norum.

Kaare R. Norum has died

Kaare R. Norum died on Friday 22 November 2019, at an age of 86 years.
A cancer doctor speaking to a room of students.

Who wants to be a doctor?

We join forces with Ullern Upper Secondary school and Oslo University Hospital every year to arrange theme days for students.
Image of Ketil Widerberg, general manager of Oslo Cancer Cluster.

Tre viktige temaer i helsenæring

Næringskomiteens innstilling om Helsenæringsmeldingen er klar. Dette mener Oslo Cancer Cluster om tre viktige temaer i innstillingen.
Two persons working in front a two laptops.

What's new in Q3?

Read some of the exciting Q3 developments from our members.
Photo of the audience at the opening of EHiN 2019.

EHiN 2019 - highlights

Did you miss EHiN this year? Read our short summary of the highlights relating to cancer research.
Thomas Andersson, Senior Adviser, Business Development, Oslo Cancer Cluster IncubatorOCC

Find your health mentor

Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator has joined a new national health mentor program to help Norwegian startups connect with the right experts.
The mentors of the student research program at Ullern Upper Secondary School meet the students for the first time.

Meet the mentors

Read the questions and answers from when the students at Ullern Upper Secondary School met their mentors for the very first time.