USA Next!

The main goal of this project was increased exports and internationalization from Norwegian healthcare companies in the American market, enhanced cooperation with Norwegian companies, organizations (R&D, hospitals) and relevant environments in the USA.

The four leading health clusters in Norway contributed to this project and developed regional and national cooperation to make a roadmap for the health industry in Norway and the Nordic countries. The project ran from 1.1.2022 – 12.31.2023.

USA Next Health Industry Roadmap

Over the past two years, the clusters, supported by Viken Fylkeskommune and in partnership with Innovation Norway, have worked to develop a tailored roadmap for the health & life science industry in Norway. This roadmap serves as a compass through the intricacies of the U.S., providing insights into regional strengths, diverse health systems, patient demographics, federal and state programs, reimbursement schemes, validation processes, the regulatory landscape, and whom to contact depending upon the company’s needs.

As a member of one of the health clusters, you automatically gain access to this invaluable roadmap by entering your information on this Norway Health Tech webpage after which a copy will be sent directly to you.

If you’re not yet part of the health cluster system, please fill out your information and we will contact you to make sure you receive your copy of the roadmap and to see whether we can further support your journey.

The journey to success begins with informed decisions – let’s explore the possibilities together!

Activities in the project were:

Mapping and mobilization

  • Networks and relationships in the four clusters today
  • Mapping and analyzing target groups in the United States, needs, preparation, analyzing input strategies
  • Map Norwegian companies with relevant technology, products and solutions – with an interest in the USA
  • Mapping the status, knowledge and opportunity of each company to understand their specific needs
  • Workshop with companies (grouped by development stage; product type) to understand their needs and goals
  • Prioritize states / regions and target groups for joint initiative, plan for contact

Development and implementation of tailor-made training programs

  • Expert dialogue meetings (pedagogical and interactive, courses tailored to different competence levels)
  • Targeted and thematic group activities, including matchmaking
  • 1: 1 Business Development Support (for selected companies based on their maturity)
  • Recommendations and strategy for market entry, including a specific plan for implementation

Internationalization plan – adapted to the individual company

  • Product: non-regulatory, medical equipment, medicine etc.
  • Needs identification, expectations and goals
  • Courses and training of the companies. Make them better equipped for the United States
  • About the US healthcare market, commercialism, economics, scaling and more


  • Develop value proposition towards American partners as a door opener
  • Introduce companies to relevant US partners
  • Matchmaking with company, design a strategy
  • Targeted approach for US investors
  • Completion of roadmap / method
  • Evaluate collaboration with other Nordic innovation actors (For example BIO Bridge)

Read more about the project USA Next! in Norwegian: Felles veikart gjør veien til USA lettere


Project partners

Norwegian Smart Care Cluster
Norway Health Tech
Oslo Cancer Cluster
The Life Science Cluster

Funding partners

Viken Fylkeskommune
Innovasjon Norge
Generalkonsulat US

*Please note that from 2024, Viken Fylke becomes Østfold Fylke, Akershus Fylke, and Buskerud Fylke*


Contact info

Jutta Heix, Head of International Affairs, OCC

Jutta Heix, Head of International Affairs, Oslo Cancer Cluster

+47 941 63 089


Trine Radmann, Head of International Affairs, Norway Health Tech

+47 992 69 285


Therese Oppegård, Business Development Manager, Validé

+47 951 51 892


Chelsea Ranger, Investor Relations and Business Developer, The Life Science Cluster

+47 464 14 689

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