Norwegian health industry

Oslo Cancer Cluster promotes the Norwegian health industry through a number of activities. We help budding biotechs to commercialise their ideas in our Incubator and across Norway. We connect Norwegian health companies with international key players. We act as a changemaker, by influencing the framework conditions for cancer innovations in the Norwegian health industry.

The White Paper on the Health Industry in Norway

On 5 April 2019, the Norwegian government published a White Paper on the health industry, for the first time ever. The White Paper addresses the barriers that the health industry faces and describes the government’s political plan to overcome them.

On 11 June 2019, there was a committee hearing on the health industry in the Norwegian parliament. Our input to the hearing can be summarized in three main points:

  1. Oslo Cancer Cluster supports the establishment of a national centre for clinical studies. We suggest that the centre create a common database for health data. Both public authorities and the health industry can gain access to the data immediately after each patient has received treatment.
  2. Oslo Cancer Cluster suggests the establishment of a Nordic center for cell therapy, located in the vicinity of the research environment around the Norwegian Radium Hospital.
  3. Oslo Cancer Cluster suggests a programme that ensures long-term public funding to mature health clusters.

Read our entire input to the committee hearing on the health industry in the document to the right.

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For the last four years, Oslo Cancer Cluster has participated in the making of the Menon report. The Menon report describes a health industry that in 2018 alone had a turn-over of over NOK 142 billion. It represents a dual opportunity for Norway. Firstly, it can solve many of the challenges in the health and care sector in the next ten years. Secondly, it can become one of our biggest industries, exporting to a global market.

Read previous reports here (in Norwegian)

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Verdiskaping i helsenæringen 2016