New targeted therapy against osteosarcoma

A new cancer treatment against osteosarcoma has been developed in the labs of Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator.

A new target for CAR therapy against osteosarcoma has been discovered in the Translational Research Unit at the Department of Cellular Therapy (Olso University Hospital). The results of their research, which was completed in the laboratories of Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator, were recently published in an article in Nature Communications.

“CAR is a new type of molecule. It stands for Chimeric Antigen Receptor. It is part of a bigger family of cancer treatments called immunotherapy, in which you use the immune system of the patient to fight cancer,” explained Sébastien Wälchli, who has co-led this research project with Else Marit Inderberg.

A unique molecule

Chimeric antigen receptor therapy (CAR T) is a cancer treatment in which a patient’s T cells (a type of immune cell often referred to as the “foot soldiers” of the immune system) are changed in the laboratory so they will attack cancer cells.

“In the case of the CAR, we help the immune system to recognize cancer cells by putting in a completely artificial receptor. The key part of the receptor is the recognition site, so it will guide the immune cell to the tumour. Normally, we need a molecule that can recognize a cancer marker. The molecule of choice is an antibody,” said Wälchli.

The antibody that Wälchli’s group used was first isolated by clinical researcher and sarcoma expert Prof. Øyvind Bruland in 1986.

”We designed the CAR based on this antibody by using its coding sequence. This antibody is quite unique because it recognizes the marker on the surface of lung metastasis of osteosarcoma. We created a Osteosarcoma CAR (OSCAR) molecule to see if we could use the power of this antibody in immunotherapy and the results published in Nature Communications prove that we can,” explained Wälchli.

A full preclinical validation

The preclinical development of the treatment took place in the laboratories of Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator which are fully equipped for such a process.

“We did a full preclinical validation of OSCAR using devices installed at the incubators for the in vitro and further tested it in vivo using different animal models where we mimicked what would happen in human. Our colleagues in Barcelona tested the injection of tumour cells directly into the bone of mice and observed a lower progression of cancer in the mice treated with OSCAR T cells, than we,” said Wälchli.

Furthermore, the group did experiments to check the toxicity of OSCAR T cells.

“We tried to predict using different healthy tissues if this CAR would only recognize tumour cells and spare healthy tissues. We concluded that it was safe, but before you inject it in human, you will never know for sure,” said Wälchli.

What is osteosarcoma?

Osteosarcoma is a bone cancer and affects many children and older people. It is quite well-treated with chemotherapy, but when it metastasizes to the lungs, it becomes more difficult to treat. Surgery can slow down the progression, but the cancer can reappear.

“This is where our hearts brought us. We are not choosing cancer by patient. We always talk with the clinicians. When we first discussed with Bruland, we did not know much about osteosarcoma. He told us about patients who have absolutely no alternative,” Wälchli explained.

There are other CARs in development against osteosarcoma globally, and some have already reached clinical phase, but none cover all patients.

“In the seminal paper of Bruland in 1986, they checked the biobank and estimated that 90 per cent of all osteosarcoma patients were positive to this antigen. This was confirmed by our collaborators in Spain. According to the first estimate, it looks like this marker is the most important that has been described so far,” said Wälchli.

Oncology innovators presented in Boston

Three Nordic start-ups pitched at the International Cancer Cluster Showcase 2023.

This year’s International Cancer Cluster Showcase (ICCS) featured 20 emerging oncology companies that presented their recent innovations, partnering and investment opportunities on 5 June 2023 in Boston, as a satellite event to BIO International Convention. 

The companies were selected by innovation hubs in the United States (Massachusetts & Philadelphia), Quebec, Norway, the UK Golden Triangle, Switzerland, France, and Taiwan. 

“BIO International Convention is one of the largest gatherings of biotechnology and life sciences professionals from around the world. It provides an excellent platform for companies to network with potential partners, investors, customers, and collaborators. Via being part of the ICCS program emerging oncology companies get special visibility and exposure at the start of BIO. For those searching for collaboration, partnering and investment opportunities ICCS is an efficient format to meet 20 companies from international hubs and learn about their latest science, technologies, and (mostly preclinical) assets,” commented Jutta Heix, Head of International Affairs, Oslo Cancer Cluster and coordinator of the ICCS programme. 

Jutta Heix, Head of International Affairs at Oslo Cancer Cluster, welcomed the audience to the 12th International Cancer Cluster Showcase.

Promising Norwegian companies

NaDeNo, Hemispherian and One-Carbon Therapeutics represented the Nordic region during the event, which included four-minute pitches from each company. 

Attending the BIO International conference for the first time as a small Norwegian start-up we highly appreciated the opportunity to share our story to a larger audience! Being visible in this way accelerates new relationships and valuable networking, and it really kick-started the conference for us. Many thanks to OCC for giving us this opportunity,” commented Annbjørg Falck, CEO and co-founder of NaDeNo.  

Adam Robertson, CSO of Hemispherian, presented one of the Nordic companies.

“The International Cancer Cluster Showcase presents a tremendous opportunity for Hemispherian to showcase our pharmaceutical development program on a global stage. This international exposure serves to highlight the exceptional nature of our technology and the expertise of our team. We are thrilled to have the privilege of presenting alongside other outstanding companies, which also provides us with a platform to showcase the rapidly growing Norwegian biotechnology sector. The event allows us to further establish Hemispherian’s reputation, attract attention to our innovative approach, and foster collaborations in the fight against cancer,” commented Adam Robertson, CSO of Hemispherian. 

Returning to Boston

This was the 12th edition of the International Cancer Cluster Showcase. Since 2012, the event has presented about 200 oncology start-ups and biotech companies as a satellite event to BIO International Convention and now returned to Boston where this format was started. The event connects emerging oncology companies from different innovation hubs with potential partners from the global oncology community gathering at BIO. 

The International Cancer Cluster Showcase 2023 was organized by Cambridge Innovation Partners, Montréal InVivo, The Wistar Institute, Oslo Cancer Cluster, OBN, Biopôle and Matwin. 

The event was kindly sponsored by Precision for Medicine, BIO and The Wistar Institute. 



Cancer start-ups met investors

US healthcare and life science investors wanted to learn about Norwegian cancer companies.

Cancer entrepreneurs caught the attention of investors from the USA when they introduced their innovative ideas at a meeting in the Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator last week.

“I was impressed by the Norwegian healthcare infrastructure and local entrepreneurial talent, which together serve as a catalyst for start-up innovation in the cancer field and wanted to learn more about how others can collaborate with this unique and world-class ecosystem,” commented Sandeep Vardhan, Managing Director at Kalpesh Ventures, one of the investors at the meeting.

The speakers were put to the test to present their companies in under five minutes. Topics ranged from novel drug targets in cancer immunotherapy and clinical decision support tools to machine-learning on colonoscopies and real-world evidence to accelerate drug development.

Taking ideas to market

“Competent investors is often key to success. That knowledgeable US investors invest time and energy in Norwegian cancer innovation and want to learn about the companies in the Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator is a good sign. It is our job to connect start-ups with global investors and life science networks – so that they can succeed with taking their ideas to market,” commented Ketil Widerberg, CEO of Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator.

Maria C. Lundstad Aulie was also at the meeting in her new role as Investment Manager Health and Life Sciences Oslo, Invest in Norway, Innovation Norway.

“I am excited about the interest shown in the Norwegian life science industry. An Alumina group from Colombia University, consisting of nine investors and entrepreneurs with competence and interest in health and life science, recently came to Norway to learn more about our health landscape. I am happy to work together Oslo Cancer Cluster to help follow up on every potential lead that can strengthen our health ecosystem. This visit was also a great start as I just started a new position working with the US market as well as with international investments into the health and life science industry in the bigger Oslo region,” commented Aulie.

See the presenters below:

Andreas Petlund, CEO of Augere Medical.


Christian Jonasson, Research Director of NordicRWE.


Bjarte Håvik, Project Leader at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.


Ernest Aw, Research Manager and Business Developer of Thelper.


Mark Tyrell, Chief Medical & Executive Officer at Vitae Evidence.


Two men and a woman looking into the camera

Forenkler testing av helseteknologi sammen

The following article is in Norwegian. It is about a new collaboration agreement between NorTrials Medical Equipment and HealthCatalyst with the aim to develop Norway as a test nation for health technologies. Please visit the Health Catalyst website if you want more information about the initiative.

NorTrials Medisinsk utstyr har inngått en samarbeidsavtale med HealthCatalyst AS for å utvikle Norge som testnasjon for helseteknologi.

Akselererer innovasjon i helsesektoren

HealthCatalyst AS er et samarbeid mellom de tre norske helseklyngene Norwegian Smart Care Cluster, Oslo Cancer Cluster og Norway Health Tech. Selskapet har som mål å bygge et ledende globalt test- og innovasjonssenter som utvikler Norges posisjon som en unik testside for fremtidens helse- og teknologitjenester.

HealthCatalyst AS er et non-profit selskap som eies med like deler av de tre klyngene. Selskapet vil bidra til økt konkurransekraft og økt verdi for den norske helseindustrien. Selskapet vil også bidra til å akselerere innovasjonsprosessen fra ide til marked for å skape robuste selskaper innen digital helse, medisinsk robotikk, og innenfor kunstig intelligens (AI). Dette vil bidra til å tiltrekke store utenlandske aktører til å legge test/utviklingsoppdrag i Norge.

NorTrials er et samarbeid mellom regionale helsemyndigheter og organisasjonene for legemiddel- og medisinteknisk industri, etablert på oppdrag fra Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet i 2021. Målet med NorTrials er å styrke og effektivisere kliniske studier i Norge gjennom å tilby et samarbeidsnettverk mellom ulike aktører i helse- og forskningssektoren.

Medisinsk utstyr er helt sentralt i det meste av diagnostikk og behandling av pasienter i sykehusene. Kliniske studier i forskning, utvikling og utprøving av medisinsk utstyr (teknologi) er noe de fleste sykehus driver med i større eller mindre grad, enten i egen forskning, samarbeidsprosjekter med universiteter og forskningsinstitutter, eller i samarbeid med industri. NorTrials Medisinsk utstyr er lagt til St. Olavs hospital HF.

Testkonsept for digitale løsninger

Samarbeidet mellom HealthCatalyst AS og NorTrials Medisinsk utstyr vil blant annet omfatte et felles kontaktpunkt for brukere der bedrifter, helsepersonell og forskere kan ta kontakt og få hjelp til det videre løp. Det vil også innebære utvikling av testkonseptet for digitale løsninger, inkludert forretningsmodeller, post market evaluering og tjenestemodeller. Internasjonal markedsføring vil også være en del av samarbeidet.

For å sikre at samarbeidet utvikler seg som begge parter ønsker, vil det etableres en styringsgruppe og en arbeidsgruppe. Arbeidsgruppen vil ha ansvaret for å definere konkrete oppgaver og aktiviteter for samarbeidet og legge til rette for at samarbeidet utvikler seg positivt. Det vil utvikles en strategi med handlingsplan for samarbeidet.

Milepæl for norsk helseteknologi

Dette samarbeidet vil være en milepæl for norsk helseteknologi og vil bidra til å øke Norges posisjon som en testnasjon for helseteknologi. Det vil også være et viktig bidrag til å utvikle norsk helseindustri og skape nye arbeidsplasser.


Foto: Thor Nielsen


Thomas Langø, faglig leder NorTrials Medisinsk utstyr. Foto: Nortrails


Jan Gunnar Skogås, senterleder NorTrials Medisinsk Utstyr. Foto: Nortrials