A number of distinguished researchers will present at Cancer Crosslinks 2023

Meet the speakers of Cancer Crosslinks 2023

Join us for a day of educational talks and mingling with colleagues in the oncology community.

Cancer Crosslinks 2023 will take place on 26 January 2023 (starting at 10:30) in Kaare Norum Auditorium at Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park.

International experts

The programme includes international experts sharing the latest advances in cancer precision medicine and immune-oncology.

The title of Cancer Crosslinks 2023 is New dimensions to the hallmarks of cancer: How is the last decade of discoveries advancing our understanding of cancer biology and transforming precision medicine. It is therefore appropriate that the day begins with a talk from the co-author of The Hallmarks of Cancer.

Douglas Hanahan

Douglas Hanahan

Douglas Hanahan, Distinguished Scholar of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (Zurich/New York), Professor of Molecular Oncology, Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland will give a digital talk on The Hallmarks of Cancer: New Dimensions – Integrating Pre-Clinical and Clinical Cancer Trials of Mechanism-Targeted Therapies.

The three seminal publications are freely available via the following links:

  1. Hanahan D. & Weinberg R. A. (January 2000). “The Hallmarks of Cancer”. Cell. 100 (1): 57–70.
  2. Hanahan, D. & Weinberg, R. A. (March 2011). “Hallmarks of Cancer: The Next Generation”. Cell. 144 (5): 646–674.
  3. Hanahan, D. (Jan 2022) “Hallmarks of Cancer: New Dimensions”. Cancer Discov. 2022 Jan; 12 (1): 31–46.
Mariam Jamal-Hanjani

Mariam Jamal-Hanjani

Mariam Jamal-Hanjani, Group Leader, Cancer Metastasis Lab, CRUK Lung Cancer Centre of Excellence, UCL Cancer Institute; Senior Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Translational Lung Oncology, UCL Hospital, London, UK will give a talk on The natural history of non-small cell lung cancer evolution in TRACERx.

Nilofer Azad

Nilofer Azad

Nilofer Azad, Co-Director of Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics, Professor of Oncology, Johns Hopkins University and Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Baltimore, USA will give a digital talk on Epigenetic (Combination) Therapy – exploiting complex biology to offer novel treatment options for patients with GI cancers.

Alpaslan (Aslan) Tasdogan

Alpaslan (Aslan) Tasdogan

Alpaslan (Aslan) Tasdogan Associate Professor, German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Institute for Tumor Metabolism, Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Essen, Germany will give a talk on The metabolic regulation of cancer progression.

Thomas Nerreter

Thomas Nerreter

Thomas Nerreter, Junior Group Leader, Chair of Cellular Immunotherapy, Translational CAR-T Research Program, University Hospital and CCC Würzburg, Germany will give a talk on Cellular Therapy for solid and hematological tumors: novel targets and technologies.

Tom Erkers

Tom Erkers

Tom Erkers, Assistant Professor, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden will give a talk on Data-driven hallmarks of acute myeloid leukemia: biological, prognostic & therapeutic implications.

Jakob Nikolas Kather

Jakob Nikolas Kather

Jakob Nikolas Kather, Professor of Clinical Artificial Intelligence, Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Digital Health, Technical University Dresden; Germany will give a talk on AI biomarkers in cancer: recent progress and the way to clinical implementation.

Norwegian moderators

Four Norwegian cancer researchers, representing the milieus at Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim, will guide the audience through the programme.

Katarina Puco

Katarina Puco

Katarina Puco, Senior Consultant Oncologist at Oslo University Hospital, Institute of Cancer research & Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital, Oslo

Anna Pasetto

Anna Pasetto

Anna Pasetto, Associate Professor, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Division of Cancer Medicine, University of Oslo; Director of the Center for Advanced Cell Therapy (ACT) Cancer Clinic, Oslo University Hospital

May-Britt Tessem

May-Britt Tessem

May-Britt Tessem, Associate Professor/Research Scientist, Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, NTNU

Eli Sihn Samdal Steinskog

Eli Sihn Samdal Steinskog

Eli Sihn Samdal Steinskog, Consultant Oncologist, Department of Oncology, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway

Mingling with colleagues

The educational programme is complemented by an afternoon networking session starting at 16:15 outside the auditorium. Don’t miss this opportunity to make new connections in the oncology community, revisit old acquaintances and engage in stimulating discussions with other health professionals.

One of the hallmarks of Cancer Crosslinks is the lively networking before, in-between and after the talks. Photo: Cameo UB


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View and download the programme here


Visit the Cancer Crosslinks website here


Cancer Crosslinks 2023 is kindly sponsored by Bristol-Myers Squibb and Eli Lilly and Company.




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