DIGI-B-CUBE consortium meets in Oslo
DIGI-B-CUBE aims to unlock the cross-sectoral collaborative potential of small and medium-sized companies.
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Astrid Green contributed a whooping 52 entries.
DIGI-B-CUBE aims to unlock the cross-sectoral collaborative potential of small and medium-sized companies.
Debattinnlegg: Innføring av nye legemidler for små pasientgrupper tar unødvendig lang tid. Noen blir ikke tatt i bruk i Norge i det hele tatt. Det er en utfordring, skriver artikkelforfatterne.
Norge kan redusere tiden for utvikling av ny kreftbehandling fra ti til fem år.
Students faced great philosophical questions about vaccine distribution.
Oslo Cancer Cluster is an oncology research and industry cluster dedicated to improving the lives of cancer patients by accelerating the development of new cancer diagnostics and medicines.
We are a national non-profit member organization with about 90 members. Our members are Norwegian and international companies, research and financial institutions, university hospitals and organizations – all working in the cancer field.