News regarding Oslo Cancer Cluster

Europe united against cancer 

Europe has its own moonshot against cancer!

The European Union has awarded 6 million euros to a consortium of 57 organizations spanning across 28 countries. They have joined forces to fight cancer at all levels of society, by supporting cancer research and innovation, policy development and citizen engagement. 

“The ambitious approach taken by the European Commission to reduce the cancer burden for patients requires a coordinated response from relevant actors across Europe,” commented Marine Jeanmougin, responsible for EU affairs and digitalisation at Oslo Cancer Cluster.

The project is called ECHoS and is coordinated by the Portugese Agência de Investigação Clínica e Inovação Biomédica (AICIB). Oslo Cancer Cluster together with partners of Cancer Mission Hub Norway have contributed from the Norwegian side. 

“The strong collaboration between Oslo Cancer Cluster, the Research Council, the Cancer Society and their partners, has brought Norway to take a central role in ECHoS. The Cancer Mission Hub Norway has the potential to shape best practices, in a joint effort with our European collaborators,” Jeanmougin commented. 

Read the press release (in English)

Read the press release (in Norwegian)


Funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme. Grant Agreement Nº: 101104587. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 

Three people in a discussion on a stage, sitting, one of which is Camilla Stoltenberg, who is engaged with her arm in a gesture.

Missions: a new way of doing politics

How can Norway succeed with the EU’s Mission on Cancer?

“This challenges the Norwegian way of doing politics,” commented Espen Solberg, Head of Research at NIFU – Nordic institute for studies in Innovation, Research and Education, at the recent breakfast meeting Fremtidens kreftbehandling about the Mission on Cancer.

“Politicians need to be bold, set goals and create a plan. They need to ask: where are we in three, four or five years? We don’t do this very much in politics. Politicians usually work in different fields. A mission requires all fields to work together,” continued Solberg.

The state as entrepreneur

The European Commission has set the ambitious goal of improving the lives of 3 million Europeans affected by cancer by 2023. This is the Mission on Cancer, one of five missions the European Commission has identified. Missions are a new way to bring concrete solutions to some of the greatest challenges of our time.

“This is a methodology that models a way to do public innovation, to solve problems that do not have a solution, and where you need to mobilise knowledge from different fields. All successful missions are characterised by concrete challenges to solve, for example technological, in a specific area. Cancer can obviously be one such mission,” commented Lars Peder Nordbakken, economist, Civita.

Both Nordbakken and Solberg agreed that the state needs to be the main driver and act as an active entrepreneur for a mission to be successful. All key players need to be involved and it is important to find the best competency in the area.

Should Norway find its niche?

Camilla Stoltenberg has led the Norwegian Institute of Public Health through the corona pandemic, a kind of mission in its own right.

“In my opinion, cancer treatment is too narrow. I think that if we are to succeed in Norway, prevention and promoting health are the most important things to do. We have better preconditions to assert ourselves internationally in these two areas and I believe we can do a fantastic job if we focus on them,” commented Stoltenberg.

Leif Rune Skymoen, CEO of the Norwegian Pharmaceutical Association, emphasised the value of focussing on cancer treatments and diagnostics.

“The industry will be an important contributor of competency, investments and tools in diagnostics and treatments to fight cancer. Cancer is a field where Norway has very good research environment and strong companies developing future cancer treatments and diagnostics. The Cancer Mission presents opportunities such as funding and new partnerships, which will be positive also for Norway,” commented Skymoen.

Where is the political vision?

With a new national cancer strategy underway, the question on everyone’s minds is: are the politicians indeed bold, with set goals and a clear plan? The politicians themselves think there is still a way to go.

“We are not good enough at connecting to these opportunities. The most important thing we do is to take advantage of what is happening on an EU level, both for research and industry. This challenges the way we do politics,” said Truls Vasvik, Arbeiderpartiet (Norwegian Labour Party).

“We need to discuss how Norway in the best way can get a strong connection to EU’s Mission on Cancer. The point of missions is to connect to the process, not just sit and wait for the results. It is not just about funding schemes, but a comprehensive investment. We need a more thorough discussion about how we as a society connect to this,” said Alfred Bjørlo, Venstre (Norwegian Liberal Party).

A national hub

Norway is already involved in the EU Mission on Cancer through different funding programmes, for example Horizon Europe and EU4Health, as well as through a national mission hub.

“The Missions methodology breaks down the sectorial approach and forces us to collaborate across health, research, education, and industry. It also contributes to faster implementation of research. It can also create public engagement and enthusiasm among the public,” said Ole Alexander Opdalshei, deputy secretary general, Norwegian Cancer Society.

“Together with Oslo Cancer Cluster, the Norwegian Research Council and other key players, we have put together a national hub so the developments on a European level also will benefit Norwegian cancer patients. We connect different milieus and create new constellations for collaboration,” continued Opdalshei.

Read more about the Norwegian Cancer Mission Hub


Fremtidens kreftbehandling is a political meeting series organised by Oslo Cancer Cluster, LMI – Legemiddelindustrien and Kreftforeningen, with support from AstraZeneca Norway, MSD Norway and Janssen Norway. Please save the date for our next meeting in Arendal on Tuesday, 15 August 2023, 08:00-09:00, at Clarion Hotel Tyholmen.

Image of Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park

Meet our new members

Say hello to the four new members that have joined our cluster organisation this year.

Oslo Cancer Cluster works to accelerate the development of novel cancer diagnostics and treatments, to improve patients lives.

Our member base comprises university hospitals, research centres, patient organisations, start-ups and biotech companies, global pharma and technology companies, investors, financial institutions as well as service providers – all working in the cancer field. Jointly, they cover the entire oncology value chain, from exploratory research to delivering novel therapeutics and diagnostics to patients worldwide.

This week, we talked to the four newest members about what they do and why they joined our cancer eco-system.


Nadeno – improving cancer treatments

Yrr Mørch, CTO and Co-founder, and Annbjørg Falck, CEO and Co-founder, Nadeno.

“NaDeNo is developing a vehicle for delivery of ‘hard to deliver’ drugs with great potential for improved cancer treatment. We are focused on developing new treatment solutions for patients with ‘hard to treat cancers’ and we aim to deliver effective drugs of low water solubility safely to the cancer cells by using our nanoparticle technology.

“Oslo Cancer Cluster offers a highly valuable international network for Norwegian biotech companies within the oncology space, and we see the OCC as a trusted partner that can help us progress our development.”

Annbjørg Falck, CEO and Co-founder, Nadeno


Hjernesvulstforeningen – advocating for patients

Rolf J. Ledal, Secretary general, The Norwegian Brain Tumour Association

“Hjernesvulstforeningen, The Norwegian Brain Tumour Association, is a patient advocacy organisation covering all the different diagnosis of brain tumours. We are involved in research as well as peer to peer support, learning patients and their families cognitive strategies for living well with such an disease and political lobbying for longer and better lives.

“Our motivation for being a member of Oslo Cancer Cluster is to connect with a broader variety of companies and research facilities who together will be able to make new discoveries within treatment options. We have the patient experts that the research community need to cooperate with to solve the many puzzles that still is unsolved. Brain cancer is on the top of diagnosis with poor outcome, together we are going to change that.”

Rolf J. Ledal, Secretary general, The Norwegian Brain Tumour Association


Node Pharma – developing radiopharmaceuticals

Tor Espen Stav-Noraas, CEO and founder of Node Pharma.

“Node Pharma is developing radiopharmaceuticals for metastatic cancer patients with limited treatment options. Our targeted drug compound is designed to eradicate tumors without damaging healthy tissue. This will save patients and improve quality of life after treatment.

“Oslo Cancer Cluster will bring important expertise, connections and enable us to accelerate our drug development.”

Tor Espen Stav-Noraas, CEO and founder, Node Pharma


Marigold Innovation – founding life science companies

Peter Horn, founder and CEO, Marigold Innovation

“One way Marigold Innovation can contribute is through our new approach to founding life science companies. We are co-founders, not advisors or consultants. We engage with researchers and innovators as early as possible to ensure everything is in place before company formation –  and then co-found the companies together with them.

“We’re originally from Denmark, but we think Nordic. We have founded companies in Sweden and our many connections here made Norway the obvious next step. The OCC community looks like a perfect match for a home in Norway.”

Nicholas Hawtin, Partner, Marigold Innovation

Kantar: Few Norwegians know about clinical trials

Almost 7 of 10 Norwegians don’t know about the opportunity to participate in clinical trials.

The annual report Helsepolitisk barometer (Health Political Barometer in English) from Kantar reveals what Norwegians currently think about health politics.

A main finding shows Norwegians do not know what clinical trials are or how to participate in them.

The report is based on a survey conducted with over 2 000 respondents, who are representative of Norwegian population over 18 years old.

Lack of awareness about clinical trials

The population has little knowledge of what clinical studies are, how they are accessed, and if it is a relevant treatment option when diagnosed with cancer.

More than a third of the respondents – 37 per cent – answered they do not know about the routines for clinical trials. In addition, 15 per cent answered, “I am not sure what a clinical trial means” and 16 per cent chose the option “I wouldn’t have known to ask about a clinical trial as a treatment option”.

“If patients don’t know about clinical trials, they won’t know to ask about it either. Clinical studies give access to new treatments. Today, many people don’t have access to clinical trials or don’t know about it. In practice, this creates a class divide,” commented Ketil Widerberg, general manager of Oslo Cancer Cluster.

The Norwegian population has little knowledge of what clinical studies are, how they are used and if this is an opportunity they have access to in case of a cancer diagnosis. Source: Extract from Helsepolitisk barometer 2023

The Norwegian population has little knowledge of what clinical studies are, how they are used and if this is an opportunity they have access to in case of a cancer diagnosis. Source: Extract from Helsepolitisk barometer 2023


Want more modern treatments

The government should prioritize the use of more modern cancer treatments with less side effects, according to 49 per cent of the respondents.

“Today, most cancer patients need to go through two or three standard-of-care treatments before they are evaluated for precision treatment. Can we as a society move the modern treatments, that precision medicine represent, further into first line of treatment? We need public-private collaboration to develop new cancer treatments to achieve this,” commented Widerberg.

In addition, 38 per cent think giving as good cancer treatment as our neighbouring countries should be the priority. The third most popular option was to prioritize offering more experimental treatment as part of standard care, chosen by 24 per cent of the respondents.

Treatments with less side effects and the same treatment options as our neighbouring countries, is what the voters think the government should prioritize. Source: Extract from Helsepolitisk barometer 2023

Treatments with less side effects and the same treatment options as our neighbouring countries, are the things voters think the government should prioritize. Source: Extract from Helsepolitisk barometer 2023


Calling for a Mission on Cancer

An overwhelming majority – 74 per cent – think a Mission on cancer would contribute to improving the lives of people affected by cancer.

“The European Union has launched a Mission on Cancer and set aside a significant amount of money for this. An important part of the Cancer Mission is prevention. Norway can spearhead how to work on cancer prevention and prevention of other diseases,” Widerberg commented.

74% think a mission on cancer will contribute to improving the lives of those affected by a cancer diagnosis. Source: Extract from Helsepolitisk barometer 2023

74 per cent think a mission on cancer will contribute to improving the lives of those affected by a cancer diagnosis. Source: Extract from Helsepolitisk barometer 2023