Save the date for Medica 2021 – World Medicine Forum on 15-18 november 2021. The world of medicine meets at Medica 2021. A must for anyone who wants to experience tomorrow’s healthcare market live. Oslo Cancer Cluster will be participating at this year’s Medica International Trade Fair as a partner in the Norwegian pavilion, together […]

Velkommen til den første konferansen til Nasjonalt kompetansenettverk innen persontilpasset medisin (NorPreM), som finner sted i Tromsø. Nasjonalt kompetansenettverk innen persontilpasset medisin (NorPreM) arrangerer sin første nasjonale konferanse innen persontilpasset medisin, som en mulighet for interesserte fagpersoner til å få faglig påfyll og diskusjon. NorPreM har laget et variert og spennende program med dagsaktuelle temaer, […]

DIGITAL-ONLY. The 12th DNB Nordic Healthcare Conference and Venture Session.  The DNB Nordic Healthcare Conference 2021 will consist of two sessions, the Listed Session and the DNB NXT Healthcare Venture Session. Both sessions will be digital-only, due to the December Covid situation.  Whether you are a company eager to get in contact with a broad […]

Welcome to Oslo Life Science 2022. Five days filled with events for everyone who is interested in research, education, innovation, business and politics in life sciences. The seventh Oslo Life Science Conference hosted by UiO:Life Science and partners. The conference is open to all. Please see the UiO event website for an overview of the events.