Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator offers a dynamic, creative and professional growth environment for academic researchers and private companies in the cancer innovation field.

What we do
The Incubator is an integrated part of Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park and is located next to the Institute of Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital (Radiumhospitalet), The Cancer Registry of Norway, and Ullern Upper Secondary School.
Our facilities
Learn more about our shared facilities, laboratories, offices, meeting rooms and auditorium spaces.
Grow your start-up
We offer mentoring from the Incubator team, a global investor & life science network, flexible office and lab space, business development, and IP and regulatory insights.
In our laboratories, we have both private and shared working spaces, state-of-the-art equipment, and friendly staff who are ready to help with services or maintenance.
Rent a space
You can access state-of-the-art laboratories, office spaces, conference & meeting rooms, and systematic support and maintenance. Please contact us to inquire about current availability.
Our community
Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator works with outstanding start-ups in the pharma, digital, diagnostic and medtech area. To complement the innovation ecosystem, the Incubator also houses researchers, scale-ups, international companies, service providers and investors.
Meet the team
Ketil Widerberg
Chief Executive Officer
E-mail: kw@oslocancercluster.no
Mobile: + 47 915 77 990
Janne Nestvold
Chief Operating Officer
E-mail: jn@occincubator.com
Mobile: +47 470 19 414
Thomas Andersson
Senior Advisor Business Development
E-mail: ta@occincubator.com
Mobile: +46 70 538 93 78
Grethe Isherwood
Office administrator
E-mail: gi@occincubator.com
Mobile: + 47 481 03 569
Julie Evensen Stubdal
E-mail: js@occincubator.com
Mobile: + 47 941 30 292
Dave Tippett
E-mail: dt@oslocancercluster.no
Mobile: +47 454 37 057
Wenche Gerhardsen
Head of Communications
E-mail: wg@oslocancercluster.no
Mobile: +47 92879842
Meet the board
Ketil Widerberg
Chairman of the board
E-mail: kw@oslocancercluster.no
Mobile: + 47 915 77 990
Ole Kristian Hjelstuen
Board member
E-mail: o.k.hjelstuen@inven2.com
Jónas Einarsson
Honorary member of the Board (Oslo Cancer Cluster), Board member (Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator)
E-mail: je@radforsk.no
Tina Lihaug Selbæk
Board member
E-mail: tina.lihaug.selbak@siva.no
Mobile: +47 928 78 845
Thomas London
Board member
E-mail: thomas@brodrenelondon.no