Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park is a unique project built on private enthusiasm and the long history of great cancer research and treatment performed at the Norwegian Radium Hospital.

A power center
The vision of the Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park is to create Europe’s leading environment for education, research and industry within oncology, while shortening the time it takes to develop new cancer medication and diagnostics.
The building
Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park opened in May 2015 and has since then attracted tenants from the public and private sector, making it a vibrant work environment for people in the cancer research field in Oslo. Expansion plans for a fourth building block "John Ugelstad building" and Oslo Science Hub are underway, providing more essential infrastructure for the cancer ecosystem.
John Ugelstad building
A fourth building block of 12 000 sqm is currently being constructed on the west side and is planned to be finished in December 2025.
Oslo Science Hub
The next expansion of the Radiumhospital Campus includes office spaces, laboratories and biobank facilities, tailored towards key players in cancer research and development.
Long-term tenants include Oslo Cancer Cluster with its Incubator, various cancer start-ups and scale-ups, Radforsk, Oslo University Hospital, the Cancer Registry and several service providers.
Property overview
Click here to access an overview of the three building sections colour-coded red, yellow and blue, with a fourth section underway.
General information
Organisational details
Org. number: 991021159
Org. form: Public limited company