Norwegian Bioscience Society (NBS), formerly known as the Norwegian Biochemistry Society,  are happy to invite you to display your products and services at the 59th Contact Meeting at Storefjell Mountain Resort in Gol, Norway, January 18–21, 2024. Find registration and more information here The “NBS Winter Meeting” is a longstanding, important arena and meeting point […]

BIO-Europe Spring® 2024 Digital- 18th Annual International Partnering Conference It’s time once again to network and facilitate partnerships face-to-face at the premier springtime event for the life science industry. The eighteenth annual BIO-Europe Spring® premier springtime partnering conference is back in-person and will be taking place March 18-20, 2024, in Barcelona, Spain Find program here […]

Helsedatadagen – Broen mellom helse og teknologi Velkommen til Helsedatedagen torsdag 11. april på Oslo Event Hub. For tredje gang samler EHiN bransjen for å diskutere helsedata. Helsedata utgjør en viktig byggestein i helsevesenet, og er et fundamentalt grunnlag for helseinnovasjon, forskning og utvikling. Se nettsiden for program og billetter EHiN inviterer deg til å delta […]