Welcome to the 70th Anniversary of the Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital and University of Oslo. In 2024 the Institute for Cancer Research (ICR), Oslo University Hospital has its 70th Anniversary. With >380 employees in 7 departments, the ICR is a major research effort by OUH and the largest cancer research environment in […]

Kan kunstig intelligens kurere kreft? Hvert år får 38.000 nordmenn kreft, mer enn 10.000 av disse med dødelig utfall. Med en aldrende befolkning er det flere og flere som får diagnosen, samtidig som ressursene i helsevesenet blir mer og mer presset. Kunstig intelligens kan blant annet bidra til tidligere diagnosering av kreftsvulster, noe som øker […]

Join the Norwegian Polytechnic Society for an afternoon with pioneering leaders who share their insights and stories of impact, illustrating their journey from startup inception to innovation through failures and success. Following this enlightening session, engage in an interactive workshop where we dissect the common pitfalls and hurdles in implementing AI in healthcare, collectively brainstorming […]