News regarding Oslo Cancer Cluster

Chelsea Ranger, Program Committee, NLSDays

Bridging gaps at NLSDays 2021

Did you miss the Nordic Life Science Days this week? Here is a summary of Oslo Cancer Cluster’s activities.

The largest partnering conference for the life science industry in the Nordics was successfully converted to a virtual format this week.

“Going digital has allowed new participants to join who might not have otherwise done. This includes investors across all time zones, US to Asian Pacific, in record numbers: 179, in fact,” said Chelsea Ranger, NLSDays Program Director and NLSInvest Committee Co-Chair.

A day for start-ups to meet investors, a digital showcase room, one-on-one partnering and a three-day programme with inspiring sessions were all part of the conference.

“We’ve done some things differently in the programme, including a central theme: Bridging the Gaps, to address narrowing the boundaries across our region, better linking traditional and nontraditional sectors, and a focus on gender diversity. In this, we have focused not only on individual national strengths, but on the combined values of our Nordic Region as a joint success in life sciences,” continued Ranger.

Chelsea Ranger, Director of NLSDays

Chelsea Ranger, NLSDays Program Director

The main programme included engaging topics on data, microbiome, new vaccine technologies, and the integration of technology and digitalisation. It also included the most first-time speakers and most female speakers (over 50%) than all previous NLSDays events.

Connecting investors with start-ups

More than 80 early-stage life science companies pitched to investors on the one-day pre-event called NLSInvest – a brand new component of the conference. The presentations spanned across three dedicated tracks: biotech/pharmamedtech/diagnostics and digital/e-health.

Among the presenting companies were Oslo Cancer Cluster members Adjutec Pharma, Kongsberg Beam Technology and Hemispherian. The companies had prepared video presentations in advance, highlighting the unique features of their innovations and ambitious business development plans.

“We are grateful for the opportunity to pitch to international investors at NLSInvest and being presented as one of the Nordics’ 80 Rising Stars,” said Kerstin Jakobsson, CEO of Kongsberg Beam Technology.

Kerstin Jakobsson, CEO of Kongsberg Beam Technology

Kerstin Jakobsson, CEO of Kongsberg Beam Technology

“To be named a Rising Star means the company gains more exposure than what would have been possible. I hope this pre-event will take place again next year, because it is important to show all the promising medtech, biotech and pharma companies in the Nordics.”

Strong Norwegian life science presence

Oslo Cancer Cluster gathered with its life science partners in Norway for a digital showcase, offering both exposure and networking opportunities. The purpose is to promote the growing Norwegian life science ecosystem and increase collaboration between Norway and the Nordics.

The delegation included Norway Health Tech, Aleap, University of Oslo: Life Science, The Life Science Cluster, Inven2, NORIN, Nansen Neuroscience Network, LMI, Innovation Norway and The Norwegian Research Council. Here are a few of their comments:

“Nordic Life Science Days is a great occasion to get the latest updates from the life science’ communities in the Nordic countries and to network with others, the Norwegian delegates included,” said Morten Egeberg, Administrative Leader at University of Oslo: Life Science.

Morten Egeberg

Morten Egeberg, Administrative Leader at UiO:Life Science

Beate Rygg Johnsen, Senior Adviser of Innovation and Industry Collaboration at the Centre for Digital Life Norway, agreed:

“The opportunity to meet with many potential players in the ecosystem in a short time is really valuable to us. Only yesterday, I attended several meetings together with one of our research projects.”

Beate Rygg Johnsen

Beate Rygg Johnsen, Senior adviser at the Centre for Digital Life

“We are happy to participate in making Norwegian life science visible, showing what Norway can offer as a country, and attract potential investors and collaboration partners in science and innovation,” said Espen Snipstad, Head of Communications in LMI.

Espen Snipstad, LMI

Espen Snipstad, Head of Communications, LMI


Spotlight on precision medicine

As part of the main programme, Oslo Cancer Cluster presented Super Session 5: From Population to Precision. The 90-minute online session included presentations from representatives of biotechnology companies, pharmaceutical companies, and investment funds. This was followed by an engaging panel discussion between the speakers and included questions from the audience.

“This session highlighted the increasing importance of novel diagnostics solutions. Drivers are the Precision Medicine Revolution, the convergence between hardware, software and data, and of course the current pandemic,” said Jutta Heix, member of the NLSDays programme committee and Head of International Affairs, Oslo Cancer Cluster.

Jutta Heix, Head of International Affairs, OCC

Jutta Heix, member of the NLSdays programme committee and Head of International Affairs, Oslo Cancer Cluster

“The speakers illustrated challenges and opportunities for bringing products to the market in a set of complementary presentations. Both, Seald from Norway and Elypta from Sweden are examples for recent Nordic innovations in cancer diagnostics and we hope to see more diagnostic innovation building on Nordic research, data and biomarker expertise in the future,” Heix continued.

NLSDays Super session 5

Participants of NLSDays Super Session 5: From Population to Precision.

Thank you to the participants of Super Session 5 – From Population to Precision (pictured above):

  • Abdel Halim, Vice President at Taiho Oncology
  • Maria Orr, Head of Precision Medicine, Biopharmaceuticals at AstraZeneca
  • Karin Conde-Knape, Corporate Vice President at Novo Nordisk
  • Tove Cecilie Viebe, CEO at Seald
  • Karl Bergman, CEO at Elypta
  • Patrik Sobocki, Venture Investor at Industrifonden
  • Moderator: Mike Ward, Global Head of Healthcare Thought Leadership at Clarivate


Thank you for a fantastic week. We hope to see you again at the next Nordic Life Science Days!

Skjermbilde av Ketil - daglig leder av OCC

Innspill til Perspektivmeldingen

Oslo Cancer Cluster har uttalt seg om Perspektivmeldingen 2021. Vårt hovedpoeng er at helsenæring må være en større del av regjeringens strategi for norsk økonomi.

Hvert fjerde år legger Finansdepartementet fram en Stortingsmelding om utfordringer i norsk økonomi de neste førti årene, og regjeringens strategier for dem. Denne kalles Perspektivmeldingen.

Oslo Cancer Cluster deltok i høringen av denne meldingen i Stortingets Finanskomité 22. mars 2021. Flere andre aktører innen kreft og helse deltok også i høringen, blant annet Kreftforeningen, Norway Health Tech, Legeforeningen og Pårørendealliansen.

Helsenæringens potensial for norsk økonomi var et gjennomgangstema.

Helsenæringens aspekter

Perspektivmeldingen poengterer hvor viktig det blir med offentlig-privat samarbeid og investeringer i helsenæring fremover. Videre nevner meldingen at ny teknologi i helse bidrar til økt ressursbruk og økt levealder med flere funksjonsdyktige leveår. Dermed fører ny teknologi også til et økt skattegrunnlag for finansiering av offentlige velferdsordninger.

– Det er gode elementer som er med. Samtidig er det flere aspekter ved helsenæring som Oslo Cancer Cluster savner, og som vi ønsker å trekke frem, sa Ketil Widerberg, daglig leder i Oslo Cancer Cluster, under høringen.

Se Ketil Widerbergs innspill på video:


Det første aspektet som Oslo Cancer Cluster savner i Perspektivmeldingen, er at både uventede og forventede hendelser i helse gir store kostnader.

Uventede hendelser, som Covid19, har store budsjettkonsekvenser. I tillegg til kostnadene med nedstengte samfunn, er det store kostnader forbundet med innkjøp av teknologi til sporing, testing, behandling og vaksinering.

Forventede hendelser er for eksempel antallet nordmenn som får kreft og antallet som overlever kreftsykdom. Før fylte 75 år har nå én av tre nordmenn fått minst en kreftdiagnose, og dette tallet øker, ifølge Kreftregisteret. Det er også flere og flere som overlever og må leve med følgene av kreftsykdom. En slik prognose vil påvirke Norges finanser, og ved å utvikle norsk helsenæring blir ikke Norge stående kun på kjøpersiden, men vil også få inntekter fra et av verdens største og økende markeder.

Det andre aspektet er de økonomiske mulighetene. Slik ressursbruken i helse kan bidra til et økt skattegrunnlag, vil også store kostnader i helse representere store økonomiske muligheter for norsk helsenæring.

Norge har så langt bidratt til milliardeventyr i helse med blant annet Ugelstadkuler fra Dynal, som er sentrale i Covid19-testing, og med kreftmedisin fra Algeta og Vaccibody. Sistnevnte utvider nå sin vaksineplattform fra kreft til neste generasjons Covid 19-vaksiner.

– Dersom vi i Norge tilrettelegger godt for innovasjon innen helse og konkret følger opp Stortingsmeldingen om Helsenæringen, vil den voksende utgiftssiden også bli en voksende inntektsstrøm. Det er gode perspektiver, sa Ketil Widerberg under høringen.

Det tredje aspektet er økt samarbeid mellom det offentlige og privat næringsliv gjennom modne helseklynger.

– De norske klyngene er en etablert arena for samhandling mellom offentlig og privat sektor. Vi er også pådrivere for internasjonalt samarbeid og kunnskapssamarbeid. I tillegg legger vi til rette for kommersialisering av samfunnsnyttige, forskningsbaserte innovasjoner, og vi jobber med å koble bedrifter som søker finansiering med investorer og prosjekter. Dermed er vi med på å sikre nye selskaper viktig tilgang til kapital. Dette gir bedre kanalisering av tilgjengelig kapital, og er nettopp det Kapitaltilgangsutvalget ønsker mer av, sa Widerberg.

Spørsmål fra politikere

Oslo Cancer Cluster fikk spørsmål fra stortingsrepresentantene Sigbjørn Gjelsvik (Senterpartiet) og Ola Elvestuen (Venstre) under høringen. Spørsmålene var:

  • Hvilken rolle mener dere at det offentlige skal ha i et offentlig-privat samarbeid i helse?
  • Kan dere si noe mer om samarbeidet med helseforetakene om næringsutvikling og teknologiutvikling?

I denne videoen svarer Ketil Widerberg på spørsmålene:


Flere vil sikre helseklyngene

Kreftforeningen talte for at alle nå må gjøre alvor av satsingen på helsenæringen, blant annet gjennom å sikre finansiering av helseklyngene.

– Det er på tide å gjøre alvor av satsingen på helsenæringen. Vi må lykkes med å styrke samarbeidet mellom det offentlige, det private, akademia og ideell sektor. Et viktig ledd i denne satsingen må være å sikre finansieringen av klyngene på helseområdet, sa Thomas Axelsen, leder for samfunnspolitisk seksjon i Kreftforeningen, og viste til klyngene som deltok i høringen.

Axelsen understreket også behovet for umiddelbar handling:

– Vi må investere i teknologi og innovasjon i dag mens vi har et handlingsrom for å gjøre det, og sørge for at vi får på plass gode avtaler mellom det offentlige, det private og ideell sektor, slik at vi står klare neste gang vi trenger det.

Se videoen av Kreftforeningens innspill her.

Les mer: 


Norwegian life science @ SXSW2021

We put global health security on the agenda at the influential technology conference SXSW.

Oslo Cancer Cluster and the other Norwegian health clusters Norway Health Tech and The Life Science Cluster participated in the conference South by South West (SXSW) for the first time ever last week.

The conference usually takes place in Austin (Texas), but due to current corona restrictions it was made available through an online platform.

The full-day event Global Security Demo Day, arranged by The Texas Global Health Security Innovation Consortium (TEXGHS), attracted many big names in health and life science from across the globe on Wednesday 17 March.

“It is clear that there is a silver lining of accelerated development, new innovations and increased public-private partnership in health emerging from the current Covid-crisis,” said Ketil Widerberg, general manager of Oslo Cancer Cluster.

The Norwegian life science environment was also represented at this event, by keynote speaker Bent Høie, Minister of Health and Care Services, several representatives from private companies and the heads of the Norwegian health clusters Oslo Cancer Cluster, Norway Health Tech and The Life Science Cluster.

“It is great that Bent Høie, the Norwegian Minister of Health, supports innovative health companies at one of the world’s largest technology conferences in Texas,” said Ketil Widerberg.

View the panel sessions

Watch the video above for the panel session The race to a vaccine with Ketil Widerberg, general manager of Oslo Cancer Cluster and Trent Munro, Professor at Australian Institute for Bio-Engineering and Nanotechnology, moderated by Janet Walkow Executive Director and CTO, Drug Dynamics Institute, UT Austin.

The event was organised by TEXGHS, Austin Technology Incubator at the University of Texas at Austin, Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade), Consulate General of Denmark in Houston, The Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Houston and European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs, USA (ENRICH).

Talking about cancer research and equality

International Women’s Day: three Norwegian researchers share their personal stories of being women in the cancer field.

Every year, International Women’s Day is marked on the 8th of March to put gender equality on the agenda. We wish to use this opportunity to celebrate women dedicated to developing new cancer treatments. It is important for us to highlight researchers that perform important research, who can also be role models.

We have reached out to cancer researchers across Norway, both in the public and the private sector. As a result, three accomplished Norwegian researchers share their personal perspectives. They are at different stages in their careers and focusing on different areas of research.


Åslaug Helland. Photo: Oslo University Hospital

Åslaug Helland. Photo: Oslo University Hospital

Combining family life and research

Åslaug Helland is a Group leader at the Institute for Cancer Research at the Norwegian Radium Hospital in Oslo and Senior Oncologist at the Department of Oncology at Oslo University Hospital. Helland’s research group focuses on translational studies on solid tumours, with a special interest in pancreatic cancers, lung cancers, ovary cancers and colorectal cancers.

“First of all, being involved in cancer research has been extremely rewarding. I started when still at med-school, in 1991, and since then we have learned a lot. Today we see that the insights gained some years ago benefit patients!

“When I started working in cancer research, there was a male dominance, which is not as obvious today. I started in Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale’s group at the Norwegian Radium Hospital. She was a world leading researcher in cancer molecular genetics and working with her was very inspiring.

“The regulations in Norway have made it possible for both men and women to combine family life and research.

“My family and I have lived abroad twice for research stays, first at Stanford University and thereafter at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne, Australia, and my experience is that Norway is one of the most advanced countries in gender balance and equal opportunities.”



Sigrid Skånland. Photo: Private.

Sigrid Skånland. Photo: Private.

Let me hold the door for you

Sigrid S. Skånland is a PhD, Project group leader, lab leader and researcher at the Institute for Cancer Research at Oslo University Hospital. Skånland has established her own research group, focusing on functional precision medicine in haematological cancers, in particular the B-cell malignancy chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

“When I talk about gender equality, I do it for my daughters. Their future. When they show bold confidence, I think ‘You go, girl!’

I want them to feel that they can claim their space, even as girls. I want them to see that it is possible to be smart, strong and successful, even as a single mom. I want them to be valued equally to men, also when they become women.

“As a biologist, most of my fellow students were female, and most of my colleagues during my graduate and post-graduate studies were women. As I have become more senior, my perspective has changed. Most students and trainees are still women. But. When I go to conferences, I see that most of the speakers are men. When I apply for research funding, I see that most of the grants are awarded to men. And when I establish new collaborations, I see that most of the higher positions are filled by men. I want everyone to see this.

“My daughter sat with me through a virtual conference. She pointed to the screen and said: ‘Are there only men?’ At the age of five, she already sees it.

“As a woman, I need women in leading positions to look up to. And I greatly appreciate the men who also see the value of acknowledging and promoting excellent female scientists. After 40 years, the first female members were elected to the international workshop on chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in 2019. This could not have happened without the support from the men on the board. Together, we can raise awareness on gender equality and make the gender gap smaller.

“I hope that I can inspire other women. Kamala Harris said it nicely: ‘It’s on those of us leading the way to leave the door more open than it was when we walked in.’”



Simone Mester. Photo: University of Oslo

Simone Mester. Photo: University of Oslo

Follow your dreams!

Simone Mester is a PhD student at The Laboratory of Adaptive Immunity and Homeostasis, which is part of both the Medical Faculty at the University of Oslo and Department for Immunology and Transfusion Medicine at Oslo University Hospital. Her research focus is on development of new biomedical technologies that may make cancer treatments more precise and effective. Her ambition is to start a biotechnology company in Norway.

Mester attended Ullern Upper Secondary School, which has an active collaboration with Oslo Cancer Cluster to inspire students to pursue careers in science and entrepreneurship. She was also the youngest researcher to be selected to SPARK, the University of Oslo’s two-year innovation programme. When she won the SPARK “pitch challenge”, she was awarded a six-month stay in ShareLab, where she now is exploring the commercial potential of her research results together with her colleague Torleif Tollefsrud Gjølberg, also a PhD student in the same laboratory.

“Early in my career, I have experienced great opportunities and lot of support. I strongly feel that the life science ecosystem is supporting me and would like to see me succeed. This is very motivating!

“For me, it is important to be part of a dynamic research environment that allows me to explore and develop as a researcher.

“I would like to encourage students and young researchers to be brave, ambitious and to follow their dreams!”


Else Marit Inderberg. Photo: Oslo University Hospital

Else Marit Inderberg. Photo: Oslo University Hospital

Calling for clear career paths

Else-Marit Inderberg is a Senior Researcher and Group leader at the Department of Cellular Therapy at Oslo University Hospital-The Norwegian Radium Hospital. The focus of her research is immunomonitoring in clinical studies and the development of cell therapies in cancer treatments. Inderberg’s research group uses the offices and facilities in Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator.

“My experience as a woman in cancer research in Norway is very good and my supervisors and mentors were always very supportive.

“I was always given opportunities to take on responsibility and to be independent and it was up to me to decide if I wanted or could grab them or not.

One of the key things to change to keep future generations motivated to do cancer research is to have clear career paths for researchers, both female and male.