New feasibility study

The innovation district Oslo Science City released a new feasibility study. The ambition is to develop a world-leading innovation district in the Norwegian capital.

Oslo Science City is the first innovation district in Norway. The members are the University of Oslo, Oslo University Hospital, South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Sør-Øst RHF), Sintef, NGI, Ferd, Studentsamskipnaden i Oslo, Oslo Pensjonsforsikring, the City of Oslo, and Oslo Cancer Cluster.

The district mobilises 7 500 researchers, 30 000 students, and 300 start-ups in developing ecosystems for innovation and green transformation, bringing together educational institutions, researchers, the business community, and the public sector.

Launched at City Hall

On Tuesday 30 November, the innovation district published its new feasibility study during a reception in the Oslo City Hall, with H.R.H. the Crown Prince of Norway, the Minister of Climate and Environment, the City Council Leader, and 600 guests present.

“The study presents the possibilities we have in front of us. We must grasp them! If we do so in a good way, it will strengthen Oslo’s international position as a knowledge capital. There is a big potential in developing new knowledge, new solutions, and sustainable jobs,” said City Council Leader Raymond Johansen in a press release by Oslo Science City.

Oslo Cancer Cluster is a member of Oslo Science City, with the area surrounding our Innovation Park and the Radium Hospital as one of six geographical focus areas in the innovation district.

Group of people on a stage in front of blue screen saying "Oslo Science City".

Group picture of the prominent guests and partners behind the study at Oslo City Hall. Photo: Oslo Science City


About the feasibility study

Oslo Science City’s members are to develop the area from Majorstuen via Marienlyst and Blindern to Gaustad and Ullevål stadion, and also the Radium Hospital, to become a world leading innovation district contributing to a sustainable and modern Norway.

The study is made by A-LAB, Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), Civitas, Comte Bureau and Menon Economics. For the time being, it is available in Norwegian only.

You can download the feasibility study from the Oslo Science City webpage.

Illustration of part of Blindern area in the future.

This is how the feasibility study pictures part of the new innovation district (Blindern/Majorstuen) in the future. Illustration: Oslo Science City

6 people in front of a green wall looking into the camera smiling

DIGI-B-CUBE consortium meets in Oslo

DIGI-B-CUBE aims to unlock the cross-sectoral collaborative potential of small and medium-sized companies.

As a project funded under the European Union´s Horizon 2020 Programme, it aims to unlock this potential by combining novel digital technologies with bioimaging, biosensing, and biobanking.

DIGI-B-CUBE was established with Oslo Cancer Cluster as the project coordinator in 2019. The project supports the development and delivery of new market-sensitive disruptive technologies and key digital innovations to reconfigure patient-centered diagnostics towards a Health Economy 4.0.

Read more on the DIGI-B-CUBE webpage.

Meeting in Oslo

Last week, a consortium consisting of eight partners met at the Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park, both in person and virtually. Milena Stoyanova and Gerry Renders were present from the Executive Agency (EISMEA) established by the European Commission. They highlighted the importance of supporting and empowering small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) in their innovation activities.

DIGI-B-CUBE has funded a total of 55 projects, resulting in 2,5 MEUR provided directly to companies to boost the development of disruptive tech solutions and health tech innovations across Europe. One of these projects is CEREBRI.

Treating migraines

“We develop easy-to-use and scientifically proven technology to help people predict and prevent brain disorders,” said Cathrine Heuch, CEO of Nordic Brain Tech.

She explained that 14.7% of the population is affected by migraine, the most common neurological disorder costing the European economy €50 billion annually. Migraine results in reduced quality of life and limited daily performance in work and social life.

According to Heuch, there is a pressing need for treatments without side effects, that are affordable and more accessible than today’s alternatives, which mainly consist of medications associated with limited efficacy and negative side effects.

CEREBRI digital treatment

Nordic Brain Tech has in joint cooperation with i3tex and Thorgate developed a project called CEREBRI to optimize treatment software and a finger biosensor. CEREBRI is a digital treatment for preventing migraine, solving the demand for treatment without negative side effects.

With two wireless sensors and a smartphone app, patients can perform regular biofeedback training that has the potential to reduce migraine frequency by 50%. This enables treatment from the comfort of your own home, and virtual care from a physician, with potential cost savings of ~60% compared to biofeedback given in clinics.

CEREBRI can significantly increase a migraine patient’s quality of life and reduce costs to sick leave for businesses and health care providers, according to the project.

The companies in DIGI-B-CUBE receive funding and mentoring/coaching in the project. This week, Cathrine Heuch met Milena Stoyanova from EISMEA and her mentor in DIGI-B-CUBE, Astrid Green, at Oslo Cancer Clusters offices.

THree women in front of a green wall looking into the camera smiling

From the left: Astrid Green, Milena Stoyanova, Cathrine Heuch.

Read more about the CEREBRI project on the DIGI-B-CUBE webpage



Woman smiling looking into camera outside

Meet our new NOME coordinator

Hege Eiklid is the new coordinator of the Nordic Mentor Network for Entrepreneurship (NOME) in Norway.

“As a startup company, one is incapable of immediately building a team of world-class experts. To become a successful company, mentorship is necessary,” said Hege Eiklid.

The new coordinator of NOME in Norway has no doubts about the importance of world-class mentors for promising life science projects.

The essence of NOME

Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator has coordinated NOME activities in Norway since 2016 and is actively seeking both start-ups and mentors to join this programme, offering free mentoring to promising start-ups in the life science sector.

NOME is a not-for-profit mentoring network in the life sciences, managed by Accelerace AS. The goal of NOME is to increase the success rate of Nordic life science start-ups by giving access to experienced mentors. Participation is free of charge and funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The mentors also work for free.

“Because NOME mentors work pro bono, the mentors are truly passionate about mentorship and genuinely believe in the mission of these high-potential companies,” said Eiklid.

She sincerely believes in connecting people in order to advance health technology.

“This passion is the essence of NOME,” she said.

A coordinator with experience

Hege Eiklid is a seasoned business development strategist with ample experience both leading and promoting startup companies within the field of health technology. As for the foundation of her expertise, she holds two master’s degrees: one in Economic Development from Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and another in Business Development and Innovation from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Eiklid has a proven track record in the management of strategic partnerships, and her expertise is cemented in comprehensive, hands-on experience. She has managed an incubator for start-ups within the field of health tech, and she has experience from investing in and working as a mentor for other start-ups.


Oslo Cancer Cluster is a Mature Cluster

Oslo Cancer Cluster is happy to receive the status as a Mature Cluster in the Norwegian Innovation Clusters programme.

The news about the new status came during an event hosted by Innovation Norway on Monday 15 November 2021.

“This is an important part of the government’s politics to create profitable and attractive jobs around the entire country. The clusters have great importance for the companies that are part of them and for the local communities. When companies collaborate in this way, it is easier for them to join forces in research and development, share knowledge and competence. The clusters are tools to strengthen the adaptability of Norwegian businesses,” said the Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry, Jan Christian Vestre, according to a press release from Innovation Norway.

Read the press release here (in Norwegian).

The programme Norwegian Innovation Clusters is financed by The Ministry of Local Governance and Modernisation with 192 Million NOK in 2021. It is run by Innovation Norway, Siva and The Research Council of Norway. There are 44 clusters today.

Mature Cluster programme

The new mature clusters are already part of the programme Norwegian Innovation Clusters, and the mature cluster status is given to take advantage of the competencies and infrastructure that the clusters have developed over time. The goal is to allow for greater “industrial lifts” that contribute to the conversion and development of Norwegian industry.

In addition to Oslo Cancer Cluster, the clusters entering this arrangement today are Eyde Cluster in Agder, NCE Media in Bergen, and Norway Health Tech in Oslo. We wish to congratulate all the mature clusters and look forward to fruitful collaborations!

New Arena and Arena Pro Clusters

There were also new clusters added to the programme in this round. We wish to welcome Circular Wave and Energi i Nord as Arena Clusters, and Norwegian Offshore Wind Cluster, Ocean Hyway Cluster, Stiim Aqua Cluster and Norwegian Energy Solutions as Arena Pro Clusters.

Read more about the programme and the Arena and Arena Pro clusters at Innovation Norway’s webpage.